Welcome Message from School Manager
Promoting integrity and ethical values in education is now an obligation not a choice
Our children are living in circumstances that we never imagined in our wildest dreams. We have witnessed an alarming increase in content in multi-media platforms including books for children that challenge our very definition of a family. Now, a child is being told a family doesn’t necessarily mean a father, mother and children but it can be as each family defines it to be!
How can we in the education sector just watch such blatant defamation of our family structure and our religious values? For Muslims, the responsibility is even greater since the teachings of our religion are very clear on how the family is the basic structure of our society and it must be jealously guarded.
As an Islamic educational institution, Nairobi Muslim Academy (NMA) is at the forefront of safeguarding integrity and the ethical values of our children. We intentionally ensure that the children who come to our school are nurtured in an Islamic environment, that promotes a lifestyle that is obedient to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
We acknowledge that we have to work together with all stakeholders including parents, Islamic scholars, the government education sector regulators and policy makers to ensure that our children are exposed only to beneficial content. Any content and lifestyle that is potentially detrimental to their wellbeing and future prosperity must be called out.
We remain confident that Allah will grant us the fortitude to give our children the best education that will prepare them for success both in this life and the hereafter.
May Allah continue to grant us knowledge that is beneficial, providence that is good and deeds that are acceptable.
Jazaakumullahu Kheiran.

Why Nairobi Muslim Academy?
Islamic School
Great Learning Environment
Top Performing
Science Majors
Nurturing Talents
Extra Curricula Activities
Latest News
NMA is located at South C, Nairobi West at Muhoho Avenue at Masjid Nur in Lang’ata Sub-county.
The average class size is 35 students
The minimum entry marks for Senior Secondary are 350 marks. However, those from North Eastern Kenya and Lamu Counties must have a minimum of 320 marks and above.
NMA admits both boys and girls in the Junior Secondary but they learn in separate classes. On the other hand, only girls are admitted in the Senior secondary.
NMA Junior Secondary offers the CBC Curriculum while the 8-4-4 System is offered in the Senior secondary.
Islamic studies are taught in integration with the secular studies as Islamic Religious Education is offered as a compulsory subject to all students. In addition, the students also have well outlined Islamic studies offered during the weekends by their Quran teachers. The school has a strong Daawah system, a variety of Islamic programs among them is the Quran, Quran Competitions and Halaqats which are normally student-centered aimed at covering Quran, Hadith and Fiqh. The books studied in these Halaqats include Riyadhul Saliheen, Bulughul Maram and Kitabul Dhikr.
NMA Senior Secondary has well-qualified academic staff who are all graduates with degrees in Bachelor of Education and registered with TSC.
NMA has been performing very well in the KCSE Examinations. The KCSE results have been outstanding over the years since 2005 as well as the candidature which has been increasing over the years.